
ZEOvit Starter Package

$57.82 $77.09

1 x ZEOvit Media (1000 mL)   + $0.00
1 x 10 mL ZEObak Microorganism Solution - Korallen Zucht   + $0.00
1 x 100mL ZEOstart 3 - Korallen Zucht   + $0.00
1 x 50mL ZEOfood Plus   + $0.00
1 x Bundle OOS Placeholder   + $0.00

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Discontinued by Bulk Reef Supply
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    Includes the Major Four Additives Required For the ZEOvit Method!

    Reef Tanks that use the ZEOvit Method show results, fast-growing corals that can produce super pastel colors and can turn a great looking tank into an extraordinary reef tank! The ZEOvit system requires the use of specific additives and a media to create an Ultra Low Nutrient (ULN) system, allowing you to systematically add elements and nutrients back into the tank, giving you the utmost control. 


    Korallen-Zucht ZeoVit system is designed to maintain ULN levels similar to the ocean reef habitat our corals thrive in naturally. As long as there is enough light maintaining ultra-low nitrates and phosphate has shown to increase coral coloration, growth rates and vitality. All you need to get started with the Zeovit system is a reactor and the “Basic four.”

    • ZEOvit Media - The KZ ZEOvit ZEOlight mix is the primary media used in the reactor. The mix consists of three different zeolites chosen for their ability to reduce toxins in a balanced manner.
    • ZEObak– This liquid additive contains a verity of bacterial strains that form the proper chain for nutrient reduction. You use this product to introduce and maintain healthy populations of the desired bacteria in the ZEOvit system.
    • ZEOfood Plus - This is a nutritional supplement for the corals. ZEOfood is primarily composed of amino acids and vitamins which enable corals to uptake necessary nutrients and leads to a natural brilliant coloration.
    • ZEOstart– This product promotes the reproduction of all nitrifying bacteria in the aquarium to help the system naturally remove phosphate and nitrate.


    What's Included?

    • 1000 mL ZEOvit Media
    • 100 mL ZEOstart3
    • 50 mL ZEOfood Plus
    • 10 mL ZEObak


    To find the right Korallen-Zucht solutions for your tank or simply learn more about the ZEOvit System, check out our BRStv Buyer’s Guide To Korallen Zucht or download the Korallen-Zucht product guides below.

    Guide ZEOvit System Guide

    Guide KZ Product Guide


    More Information
    SKU 211407B
    Aquarium Type Saltwater
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