
LifeRock Reef Tree - Dry Live Rock Aquascape Kit

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$220.10 $220.10

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CaribSea’s LifeRock Reef Tree kit provides the materials you need to create incredible aquascapes faster and easier than you would have thought possible. Wow your friends and family with rockscapes that turn natural-looking reef rock into gravity-defying, awe-inspiring structures. Don't worry about having to drill or hammer your rock in order to get that jutting shelf, CaribSea has taken care of the hard part. The Reef Tree kit includes several rock pieces in a variety of natural shapes and sizes, which are then drilled to accept the stabilizing rod which will hold everything in place. Once your dream rockscape is in place, you can secure the rock into a solid structure with the addition of some MarcoRocks Aquascaping Mortar.



  • Perfect for large reef tanks
  • Create custom combinations for a unique rockscape
  • Creates a mature looking reef instantly
  • 100% safe for all marine animals
  • Sustainable & environmentally friendly


CaribSea LifeRock is made of an aragonitic base rock, instead of the typical cement used by many other artificial rock creators. Every rock contains a network of micro and macro pores that intertwine within the rocks internal structure, creating the perfect environment for natural nitrifying bacteria. LifeRock is also infused with spored bacteria to aid in biological performance. CaribSea's Reef Trees are perfect for the environmentally friendly aquarist. LifeRock is manmade and does not affect our natural resources, making it the perfect option for all marine fish, invertebrates, and corals.


Every LifeRock from CaribSea has an artificial coating and texture that mimics natural coralline algae after being in the ocean for years. Depending on the animals that you have in your aquarium, they may pick at the coating on the rocks which will not harm them at all, and over time live coralline algae will cover any spots on the rocks that may have had the coating picked off.


How much rock is included in this kit?

The kit includes 1 larger base rock as well as 3 primary arch pieces, and then a small spacer/cap piece. The weight will vary slightly, but you can typically expect to get about 30-35lbs of rock with your kit.


How big are the pieces?

The finished rock structure will vary in size depending on how you choose to arrange the rock pieces, but you can typically expect the finished “sculpture” to be about 15 to 20 inches wide by about 18 inches tall.


Can I request specific shapes and sizes?

Due to the unique and pre-kitted nature of CaribSea Reef Tree kits, we are unable to take requests for specific sizes, shapes, or weights.


What's Included?

1x CaribSea LifeRock Reef Tree Kit


Shipping: BRS makes every effort to securely pack the Rock. However, the UPS automation is not always gentle on heavy products like this and they do not consider this product insurable. Because of this, there is some inherent risk with shipping rock like this across the country and it is impossible to replace or refund broken pieces. If this happens most pieces can be repaired with glue and epoxy.

More Information
SKU 213818
UPC 008479003584
Aquarium Type Saltwater
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Product Questions


Thank you for your great service.

Will this produce be good for a 40 gallon breeder?
Question by: Eli Zhang on Feb 9, 2024, 7:59 AM
This would work for a 40 breeder tank, you'll just have to be mindful of the overall height as you assemble your rocks.
Answer by: Laura (BRS Staff) on Feb 15, 2024, 1:51 PM
Probably a dumb question. But I am new to the hobby. Here goes. I bought some life rock. It arrived today at my house. My question is how long can I wait before that rock dies. Cause I still have to buy the sand and then buy the saltwater to begin the cycle process.
Question by: Andres Martinez on Oct 13, 2022, 7:48 PM
Thanks for the question! The Caribsea rock has spored bacteria that can be dormant for a very long time, so no rush in getting it all set up if you already have the rock. They will become active once they are in saltwater and start growing from there.
Answer by: Kyle Thomas (BRS Staff) on Oct 14, 2022, 9:00 AM
how many inches in feet is it
Question by: quadale dingle on May 11, 2022, 8:51 AM
Hey there,
Thank you for reaching out to us. I am not sure what you mean by "Inches in Feet"but you can typically expect the finished “sculpture” to be about 15 to 20 inches wide by about 18 inches tall.

Please let me know if you need anything further and take care!
Answer by: Matt Lucero (BRS Staff) on May 11, 2022, 10:33 AM
Is there a way to safely replace the existing rock in an established system with brand new dried live rock?
Question by: JT Naughton on Apr 19, 2022, 12:01 PM
Hey there,
Thank you for reaching out to us. For this you will want to cure the new rock, either in the sump of the tank or in a separate tank. This will help in preventing a new cycle.
Answer by: Matt Lucero (BRS Staff) on Apr 21, 2022, 8:19 AM
I have a 16 gallon nano coralife biocube, is there a kit made for this size?
Question by: Thomas R Hanson on Dec 5, 2021, 12:17 PM
Thank you for your question. Caribsea does not currently make a nano version of their LifeRock Reef Tree but it may be something that they introduce in the future. One option would be to purchase a full size kit and break the pieces so they are smaller and would fit your system. You could also construct a tree using our HNSA process and Marco Rock. Here is a video where we go through the process:
Answer by: William Glenn (BRS Staff) on Dec 15, 2021, 8:52 AM