
ZEOvit Media (1000 mL)

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$12.07 $16.09

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ZEOvit is a unique balanced mix of zeolites and one of the big four (ZEOvit, ZEObak,ZEOfood, ZEOstart) required for the standard ZEOvit ultra low nutrient system.

This system is designed to maintain maximum coral coloration, growth and health. The system requires one liter of ZEOvit media per 100 gallons of water and should be replaced every 6-12 weeks depending on nutrient load.

  • Use in a ZEOlite Reactor
  • If possible, agitate media daily
  • Maximum flow-through 100 GPH - do not exceed


Korallen-Zucht  ZeoVit System is designed to maintain ultra low nutrient levels similar to the ocean reef habitat our corals thrive in naturally. As long as there is enough light, maintaining ultra low nitrates and phosphate has shown to increase coral coloration, growth rates and vitality.  All you need to get started with the Zeovit system is a reactor and the “Basic Four:”

  • Zeolites – The KZ ZEOvit ZEOlight mix is the primary media used in the reactor. The mix consists of three different zeolites chosen for their ability to reduce toxins in a balanced manor. 
  • ZEObak – This is a liquid additive containing a variety of bacterial strains that form the proper chain for nutrient reduction.  Used to introduce and maintain healthy populations of the desired bacteria in the ZEOvit system.  
  • ZEOfood  –  This is nutritional supplement for the corals. ZEOfood is primarily composed of amino acids and vitamins which enable corals to uptake necessary nutrients and  leads to a natural brilliant coloration.
  • ZEOstart – Promotes the reproduction of all nitrifying bacteria in the aquarium to help the system naturally remove phosphate and nitrate.


So what about all of the other Korallen-Zucht additives? Most of the other products are designed to further increase color, growth and vitality but are generally considered optional products that would be used after the initial stages of implementing the KZ ZEOvit system using the “Basic Four.”


To find the right Korallen-Zucht solutions for your tank or simply learn more about the ZEOvit System, check out our BRStv Buyer’s Guide To Korallen Zucht or download the Korallen-Zucht product guides below.

Guide ZEOvit System Guide

Guide KZ Product Guide


More Information
SKU 207037
UPC 4260507580016
Aquarium Type Saltwater
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Product Questions

is there a hang on back reactor for nano tanks?will this work in a bag if shaken daily?
Question by: STEVEN FLETCHER on Nov 6, 2016, 10:14 AM
Hey there! Check out the video below, where we covered this exact same topic on our BRS 52 FAQ series! :-)

Answer by: Randy on Nov 8, 2016, 4:29 PM
how often does this media need to be changed and what is the procedure?do you change it all at once?
Question by: STEVEN FLETCHER on Nov 6, 2016, 10:12 AM
Great question! This system is designed to maintain maximum coral coloration, growth and health. The system requires one liter of ZEOvit media per 100 gallons of water and should be replaced every 6-12 weeks depending on nutrient load. In which case, you would replace all of the media at once, and rinse the new media in water prior to adding back into the system. :-)
Answer by: Randy on Nov 8, 2016, 4:27 PM
Can a UV sterilizer be used with this system?
Question by: John Hildebrant on Jul 14, 2016, 9:59 AM
Hi John,
The Zeovit system actually does not recommend running a UV sterilizer at any time. With the Zeovit system, you are using a bunch of bacteria to create an ultra-low nutrient system. Any UV sterilizer will easily destroy the bacteria that you are trying to culture in your tank and essentially combatting two different systems together that will most likely have negative effects.
Answer by: Charlie on Jul 14, 2016, 2:59 PM
What is the weight of a 1 liter bag? I assume converting the '1 liter' bag to a weight is ok bc liter is actually a volume measurement used for liquids as opposed to solids like rocks.
Question by: Todd Conner on Mar 26, 2016, 5:09 PM
Great question!
The weight will be around 2 lbs but can vary from bag to bag. Typically with Zeovit you will use 1 liter media per 100 gallons. Feel free to let us know if you have any further questions!
Answer by: Connor on Mar 28, 2016, 12:16 PM
Can I use this in a regular reactor instead? If so, can I tumble the media?
Question by: Alfred on Jan 17, 2016, 12:19 AM
Great question!
This media will not work in a standard reactor as this is not a media which can tumble. It needs to be shaken with the use of a zeovit reactor with rod to shake the media one time daily. Feel free to let us know if you have any further questions!
Answer by: Connor on Jan 26, 2016, 5:40 PM