
Insta-Test Free & Total Chlorine & Chloramine Strips (Fresh Water)

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$7.60 $18.99

Discontinued by Bulk Reef Supply
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Why does BRS recommend this?

The easiest way to know if your city uses chlorine or chloramines is by using the LaMotte Test Strips for Free and Total Chlorine.  Water Treatment facilities can change their treatment process without notice and usually change the amounts of disinfectants used depending on the season.  With simple low cost, quick, and easy to use test strips that give reliable readings, every RODI system that filters city water should not be without them.

Free and Total Chlorine with test strips from LaMotte.  These test strips are used to identify if you your city uses chloramines or chlorine as the main disinfectant. Test strips are also used to determine when it is time to change your carbon blocks.

By having the ability to test for free and total chlorine will allow you to take a quick reading from your tap water.  If the Free Chlorine reading matches the Total Chlorine reading then no chloramines will be present.  However if the Total Chlorine is greater than the Free Chlorine reading your city is using chloramines.

•Range and sensitivity is 0, 0.5, 1, 3, 5, 10 ppm

•25 Test Strips


Testing procedure for identifying the disinfectant your city uses. 

1)  Run your tap water for two minutes and collect a water sample.

2)  Dip the test strip as directed on packaging and read results. 


  • Up to 5ppm total chlorine & same free chlorine = Chlorine* 
  • Up to 5ppm total chlorine & zero free chlorine = Chloramines*
  • Zero free and total chlorine = Well water*

*This is the most common interpretation of results. If you have trouble reading or determining results we suggest calling your city hall or water treatment facility to make a final determination.  


Testing procedure for identifying when your carbon blocks need to be replaced. 

1)  Run your RO/DI system for 30 minutes and collect a sample. Sample needs to be water which has passed through the carbon blocks but not the membrane. You can remove the tube coming from the last carbon block to collect the sample or collect a sample from your waste water tube, whichever is easier.

2)  Drip the test strip as directed on the packaging and read results. 


We suggest replacing the carbon blocks if you get any reading above zero. Readings over zero are an indication that the carbon blocks ability to treat for all types of contaminants has been depleted. Absolutely replace carbon blocks once the reading surpasses 0.5ppm

More Information
SKU 208458
UPC 637395463044
Aquarium Type Freshwater
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