
ph controller

  1. pH Probe Calibration and How to Care for One

    pH Probe Calibration and How to Care for One

    Electronic pH measurement of aquarium water used to be something only a laboratory could perform. Thanks to advancements in technology, the cost of high-quality pH meters has come down to an...
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  2. What is a Calcium Reactor?

    What is a Calcium Reactor?

    Maintain rock-solid calcium and alkalinity levels in your reef tank using a calcium reactor, find out how it works!
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  3. Calcium Reactors

    Calcium Reactors

    https://goo.gl/mgJdxh Today we'll explain what calcium reactors do, how they work and what equipment you'll need to set one up to automate calcium and alkalinity supplementation in your reef...
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  4. The Benefits of an Aquarium Controller System

    The Benefits of an Aquarium Controller System

    Aquarium controllers are a convenient way to keep an eye on the various water parameters in your aquarium. They can monitor aquarium pH, ORP, salinity and temperature. They can control your lights to...
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