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Current USA Satellite Plus Pro LED Light Fixture
The new Satellite Plus PRO isn’t simply brighter - it’s better in every way....
Kessil A160WE Controllable LED Aquarium Light
The A160WE features Kessil`s new proprietary Kessil Logicâ„¢, a unique form of spectral intelligence developed...
Kessil Spectral Controller: https://goo.gl/0r9MD4
The Spectral Controller is simplifying light control with intuitive touch controls and a crisp, full color display.
The Kessil Spectral Controller...
EcoTech Marine Radion XR15w Pro: https://goo.gl/8OM5Cc
As soon as the new EcoTech Marine Radion XR15w Pro LED light fixture arrived at Marine Depot headquarters, Joe from our staff quickly snagged...
We are pleased to announce that the Radion XR30 will be getting a little brother! EcoTech Marine has been working tirelessly to create a new, smaller Radion LED to compliment the highly successful...
One of the most frequently asked questions we receive about Kessil A150W LED Lights are from aquarium hobbyists who are curious what they will look like when the different color variations (Sky Blue,...
Just-released Current USA TrueLumen Pro LED Striplights are sleek extruded aluminum strips packed with ultra-bright LEDs. In this first look video, MarineDepot.com unboxes this cool new fixture and...
https://mdshop.us/KessilAccessories Kessil has been at the forefront of Aquarium LEDs for a long time now. We personally are fans of them and have been running an AP700 over our tanks since late...
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