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A sump is an essential filtration system for many reef aquariums, providing increased water volume, better filtration, and a space to hide equipment such as protein skimmers and heaters. By setting...
In Week 15 of this Beginner's Guide series, Matthew (of MyFirstFishTank.com) will show you how you can save a TON of money by making your own homemade Seawater. Check out his pointers below, and...
Let’s talk about the difference between fresh and saltwater algae scrubbers.
They are different designs because the algal growth you get in each are different—so the layout of the...
Now let's answer the first question most aquarium folks have about algae scrubbers: Should you buy or build?
Before the year 2010, there were not really any commercially available algae scrubbers...
In this video we take a close look at the ClariSea Gen2 Automatic Fleece Filter by D-D. Let’s begin by reviewing the reasons why mechanical...
Amidst the excitement of discovering new things at MACNA, there are many vendors and products that don't get noticed or talked about. Well known brands and those with a promise of revealing...
https://mdshop.us/1RWGAXx While there are many benefits to buying a prefabricated sump, building one yourself—exactly the way YOU want it—is easier and less...
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