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Your algae magnet is essential and is likely one of the most frequently used tools on your reef tank. This is the exact reason you want to choose an algae magnet that is suitable for your tank, made...
Growing coralline algae is one of the most discussed topics among reef aquarists. When you look online you will find dozens of “secret formulas”, special techniques, tricks and tips for...
Filter Media Cup
The Filter Media Cup is a great addition to any sump filtration system. The cup drops into a filter frame inside the sump. Place a bag of filter media like activated carbon, GFO...
We all struggle with algae problems in our reef tanks. Algae are an essential part of the aquarium’s food chain and ecosystem. It’s impossible to eliminate algae from our reef tanks but...
https://mdshop.us/2fzyRFb To keep a healthy and thriving aquarium, you MUST have good quality water. The Red Sea Mult-test kits are some of our favorite test kits for monitoring water parameters in a...
https://mdshop.us/2df4yOA Using a fluidized media reactor is the best way to employee filter media in your aquarium. In a bag, there is often a lot of bypass as water simply travels around the...
https://mdshop.us/22iENPg Get ready to ramp up the performance of your RO/DI system because today we’re sharing our 5 favorite upgrades that will not only help you save...
MarineDepot.com recently had the opportunity to sit down with Julian Sprung, aquarium hobby superstar, speaker and owner of Two Little Fishies. We asked our Facebook fans what we should ask...
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