Top Coral Dipping Mistakes! Don't Try These At Home With Your Reef Tank Corals
Coral pests can range from being a mild annoyance to a complete disaster in your reef aquarium. Thankfully, as a hobbyist, there is something you can do about it. Not only should you source your coral from reputable retailers you trust not to knowingly send you corals with pests, but also never take this for granted and dip ALL of the corals that go into your tank. Even neglecting just one frag can infect your entire tank so it is important to be thorough.
Our hosts put together a list of the most common mistakes reefers make when dipping their corals. Trust us, if you can avoid these simple mistakes, you will increase your chances of success significantly in terms of keeping pests out of your reef tank.
- Not dipping your corals.
- Not wearing gloves.
- Not knowing what your dipping for.
- Assuming that all coral dips do the same thing.
- Not considering or understanding how effective a freshwater dip can be.
- Missing hydrogen peroxide as an effective algae killer.
- Not using iodine or antiseptic type dips to clean off bacterial infections.
- Skipping the manufacturer instructions and/or not following them precisely.
- Overdoing it - whether its too many different dips, the wrong concentration or just dipping too long...more is not better.
- Not rinsing the frags thoroughly in saltwater after you dip them.
- Not heating the water when making your dip solution - cold water will stress corals over and above the dipping stress.
- Not removing the frag plugs or coral mount before placing the coral in your tank.
- Not inspecting your corals before you even begin in order to visually identify any pests.
- Failing to review and identify the organisms or pests that fell off during the dip.
- Placing a coral into your tank that has visibly been infected with pests.
- Not building and maintaining a separate frag tank so you can isolate them without putting your display at risk.
- Not keeping an effective coral dip on hand at all times to treat unexpected pests and infections.
- Missing the value of a powerhead during your dipping process; washing with water flow can help dislodge pests.
- Don't overlook using a dip as a treatment for unexpected infections.
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