Liam's (aka Lovatt) Red Sea Max S-650 Mixed Reef Aquarium - A NEW Featured Tank from the UK!
We're back with another installment of our Featured Tank video series!
Liam has been reefing for over 20 years and his 175-gallon system is magnificent! Liam's father was a professional diver whom Liam credits as the inspiration for his passion for coral reefs. Liam's Max S-650 is actually his third Red Sea aquarium system because he keeps going BIGGER! His display is packed with beautiful SPS and LPS corals, some zoanthids, and a bubble-tip anemone. He keeps an assortment of colorful fish including a 14-year-old Mocha Clownfish. Learn about the equipment and techniques he employs to keep a successful mixed reef aquarium in this episode!
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