5 TIPS For Feeding Picky Fish In Your Tank | A How-To with Hilary: Marine Biologist of WaterLogged
Do you have a picky fish in your aquarium that doesn't seem to want to eat anything you're feeding it? We're going to get some solutions to that problem today with Hilary: Our personal Marine Biologist.
Jump to her pointers here:
01:00 - Entice Flavor Enhancer
01:27 - Brightwell Aquatics Garlic Power
02:25 - Dressing pellets
02:50 - Feeding fish
03:35 - Angel Elixir
04:14 - Remove excess food
05:20 - Fish fasting?
06:31 - Transitioning from frozen food
Shop Brightwell Garlic Power HERE: bit.ly/BrightwellGarlic
Shop Frozen Foods HERE: bit.ly/FrozeFoods
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