PSA: Chloroquine Phosphate used in aquariums is not safe for human use
A Public Service announcement for our Aquatic Community regarding Covid-19
A recent press conference about FDA trials being done on a number of antimalarial therapies as a possible treatment for Covid-19 has caused a frenzy to buy these drugs.
Chloroquine Phosphate is one of the chemicals that shares the same active ingredients as the drugs that were mentioned in the press conference. It is also an ingredients that is used in fish medications to treat a host of fish diseases such as Cryptocaryon irritans (“marine ich”) and Amyloodinium ocellatum (“marine velvet”) , Brooknella (Brook).
This ingredient however is not for human consumption and its use has not been approved by the FDA yet. Marine Depot does not sell Chloroquine Phosphate. News agencies are reporting distressing news of a man in Arizona who ingested Chloroquine Phosphate and has died, his wife is in critical condition. Conversations with our vendor partners and fish stores indicate an increased number of inquiries about this chemical.
We are requesting our Aquatic community to follow the directions and guidelines of their doctors, the CDC and the World Health Organization for accurate information on Covid-19 including any therapies that have been approved and made available for treatment. Please do not self-medicate. There are many inaccurate treatment suggestions floating on the internet; talking to your health care provider can guide you in understanding the disease, how it spreads and how to do what you can to slow the spread.
Please stay safe, practice social distancing, talk to someone.
We are in this together.
Click on these resources for Covid-19
World Health Organization: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019
Center for Disease Control: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
State and Local Health Department contact info: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/downloads/Phone-Numbers_State-and-Local-Health-Departments.pdf
Thank you
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