The easy and mess-free Aquatic Life Twist-In RO & RO/DI Systems
The importance of providing clean and pure water for our aquariums is pretty widely understood. However, the hassle of making RO/DI water at home and needing to install an RO/DI system can be a little overwhelming; especially those with smaller aquariums where the efforts are harder to justify. Weekly trips to purchase water from a local fish store can be even more tiring and also eliminates any sort of control you have over the quality of the water going into your aquarium.
AquaticLife has just introduced their new Twist In RO and RO/DI systems that make installing and maintaining an RO or RO/DI system as painless as possible. It is also very affordable compared to other standard RO and RO/DI systems.
The biggest advantage of the AquaticLife Twist In system is how easy it is to install and replace the filter cartridges. In a traditional RO/DI system, there are large canisters that need to be unscrewed with a wrench to access the cartridges. These canisters are heavy, often located in a tight space, and filled with water which can make it a real pain to maintenance them.
With the new TI system, the cartridges simply twist in to place and no tools needed! The cartridge holders even pivot so you can very easily remove or install each individual cartridge. A process that takes 30 minutes to an hour with traditional systems can now be done in 5 minutes or less.
All the parts are conveniently included for installation; you can use the included garden hose adapter for temporary installations or use the feed water adapter and drain saddle for a more permanent installation. The unit is ultra- compact too so it can be stored or installed just about anywhere.
Once you have installed the unit, you will want to flush all of the cartridges with the included flush kit as instructed. Then you can start making pure water for your aquarium.
While these twist-in cartridges look small compared to standard RO/DI cartridges, they actually have the same capacity. This means that you are not compromising on performance or capacity.
The 4-Stage RO/DI system is what most hobbyists will opt for but for those of your wanting ultra-clean water and a little redundancy, you can go with the 3-Stage RO system then add on the Dual-DI kit.
The Dual DI cartridges are great for situations that demand a high volume of pure water production because the second DI canister can catch any residual contaminants that make it through the first DI filter and also act as a back-up in the instance your first cartridge is exhausted.
We love seeing innovations like these that make maintaining our aquariums easier! With these new AquaticLife TI (Twist-In) RO and RO/DI systems, hobbyists now have a much easier and affordable way to produce pristine RO/DI water at home.
-Take Care and Happy ReefKeeping!
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