Meet The Magnificent Sea Anemone & Clownfish Harem - A Challenging Harmony | 52 SE
Ryan delves into the mesmerizing world of the Magnificent Anemone tank, highlighted by the captivating interplay between the clownfish harem and their anemone host. We've chosen the Magnifica Anemone instead of the more commonly seen Rose Bubble Tip Anemone for this specialized tank. The Magnificant Anemone is the natural host of a wide variety of wild clownfish species and is distinguished by its ability to grow quite large and exhibit a fleshy appearance. These nems are also suited to thrive in very turbulent environments with much higher flow than what we might think anemones would prefer - they are often found in shallow areas of the reef that are prone to turbulent flow. In the aquarium, the mesmerizing motion of the anemone combined with the busy-body swim patterns of an entire school of clownfish will create a captivating ecosystem that, until now, was difficult to achieve in captivity.
Our objective with the entire 52SE video series is to inspire and guide marine enthusiasts in constructing their own species-specific marine tank, demystifying a setup that was once deemed fit only for experts. This all starts with the right equipment to sustain the ideal environment in our aquariums. Combined with a better understanding of the biological needs of even the most challenging fish and corals, we can achieve long-term success.
Magnificent Sea Anemone & Clownfish Harem Gear List
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