CaribSea LifeRock Shapes - The Most VERSATILE Live Rock for Saltwater Tanks
LifeRock Shapes is especially attractive because it includes a mixture of arches, rings, and tunnels in a single kit to help you create a very functional and natural-looking scape with minimal effort. You can save yourself the hassle of having to bust up larger pieces of rock just to create interesting shapes. Right out of the box, these rocks are formed into organic structures that will easily assemble to create the aquascape you have always pictured.
Caribsea Shapes comes in a 20lb box and each box contains 4 unique rocks. When building an aquascape, estimate roughly 1 lb of rock per gallon of water volume to have enough rock for a sufficient scape.
Why Caribsea LifeRock
Caribsea LifeRock is among the most favored dry rock options on the market because it looks great with very natural coloration but is also highly functional and available in a variety of different shapes, sizes, and kits. When using LifeRock in a new aquarium, you won't be stuck with a sterile, off-white looking aquascape and the biologically active coating on the rock helps to speed up the cycle process.
The rock is also eco-friendly because it is not pulled from the ocean rather it is mined from beds of calcium-carbonate rock that was once submerged in ancient oceans. It takes on the physical characteristics of living live rock both in the material and texture but doesn't bring nasty hitchhikers or algae into your aquarium.
What more could you ask for from a live rock alternative?
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