Your Protein Skimmer Doesn't Have To Wreck Your Budget! Check Out These Bubble Magus Curve Skimmers
If you're in the "reefing on a budget" boat and value cost of a product just as much as performance, don't look past Bubble Magus Curve series protein skimmers. The Curve skimmers have become a fan favorite among reef tank owners because they provide you with a no-frills, affordable skimmer option that gets the job done without a fuss yet still has some of those thoughtful and clever features you have come to expect from modern protein skimmers.
A birds eye view of the Curve Series skimmers does not reveal much of anything special. They look pretty much just like any one of the other venturi-driven, wine-glass, or cone-shaped protein skimmers on the market. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, after all the design has been proven time and time again to provide efficient waste removal without taking up a ton of precious sump space. The AC needle-wheel pump is located inside the curvacious acrylic body helping to cut down on that overall footprint. The pump can be accessed by removing the entire bottom plate of the skimmer with a handful of thumbscrews for easy maintenance. A single wedge-pipe style adjustment rises up from the bottom giving you easy control over the foam level inside the skimmer body.
Upon a closer inspection, you start to notice the differences. In the case of the Curve, it just might be these details that win you over. Starting with the ability to rotate the pump angle based on your particular space restrictions right out of the box. The body is drilled with two holes and comes with a plug to easily just rotate the pump and accommodate your skimmer chamber. A large bubble diffusor comes standard on all three models that will help diffuse the turbulence inside the skimmer body and increase the dwell time.
The wedge pipe comes pre-marked with a sequence of numbers so you can easily keep track of your adjustments.
The air-silencer lid is removable so you can actually clean it!
Remember those thumbscrews I mentioned earlier? They are smarter too and come with some fancy clips that require a simple 1/4 turn to loosen rather than having to back out the entire threaded nut.
You get a drain port on the collection cup as well as a unique pyramid that helps guide skimmate down into the collection cup rather than building a mud-like layer on the underside of the lid. If these features are not enough to win your favor, the price tag surely will. Comparatively speaking Curve skimmers are among the best value in their class and should provide you with hassle-free performance throughout the life of your tank.
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