UV Sterilizers are a great tool for aiding in the management of reef tank pests, parasites, and even algae control if they are used properly. The Aqua UV Advantage 2000 Hang On Advantage UV Sterilizers is a compact hang-on UV Sterilizer that doesn't require a sump and eliminates the need for confusing plumbing with PVC.

Shop Aqua UV
  1. 8 Watt Advantage 2000 UV Sterilizer with Hanger Spout
    Aqua Ultraviolet
    8 Watt Advantage 2000 UV Sterilizer with Hanger Spout
    $197.05 $197.05

  2. 15 Watt Advantage 2000+ UV Sterilizer with Hanger Spout
    Aqua Ultraviolet
    15 Watt Advantage 2000+ UV Sterilizer with Hanger Spout
    $213.45 $213.45

  3. 8 Watt Classic UV Sterilizer - Black Body (Up to 70g)
    Aqua Ultraviolet
    8 Watt Classic UV Sterilizer - Black Body (Up to 70g)
    $277.20 $277.20

  4. 15 Watt Classic UV Sterilizer - Black Body
    Aqua Ultraviolet
    15 Watt Classic UV Sterilizer - Black Body
    $303.85 $303.85

Advantage 2000 8 Watt

  • Saltwater Sterilization - Up to 70-gallon tanks
  • Dimensions - 12.5" L x 2.75" W x 4" H
  • Accepts 1/2" Vinyl Tubing
  • Suggested flow rate: 214 GPH to achieve 90,000 µw/cm²

Advantage 2000+ 15 Watt

  • Saltwater Sterilization - Up to 75-gallon tanks
  • Dimensions - 12.5" L x 2.75" W x 4" H
  • Accepts 1/2" Vinyl Tubing
  • Suggested flow rate: 233 GPH to achieve 90,000 µw/cm²

The biggest ADVANTAGE of these small sterilizers is the compact form factor and hang-on design.  Most UV sterilizers are cumbersome and quite large, measuring 24" long or more, and will require a considerable amount of space to mount safely. The necessary plumbing is bulky, permanent, and downright confusing in many circumstances.

With the Advantage UV, you can easily hang the sterilizer onto your display or down on your sump, attach a feed pump with some vinyl tubing and you are all set. No gluing or PVC is required. You can then easily remove the UV when you are finished and move it between different tanks or QT systems.

Flow rate is critical with any UV so you want to choose an appropriately sized pump to meet the suggested flow. The Sicce 1.0 is perfect for either unit and will accept 1/2" vinyl tubing right out of the box. If you are not sure which one to get, we do recommend the 15-watt in most situations. The extra power just helps ensure more complete sterilization of the saltwater. This is simply based on the fact that saltwater is more difficult to sterilize compared to freshwater, so maximizing your contact time and power is ideal regardless of what size tank you have.

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