We are now transitioning all ordering of Neptune Systems, EcoTech Marine, AquaIllumination, Bulk Reef Supply Wholesale, and all of our Aperture Exclusive Distribution Brands to the new Aperture Business website (aperturebusiness.com).
If we have not yet moved your account, we need your basic information to complete that transition.
In the sixth episode of our Neptune Apex series, we're going to get familiar with the aquacontroller display. By default, your display will show date, time, temp, pH, ORP, AMP usage and various icons to indicate what is currently turned on and off.
Here's a quick overview of what each button does:
- The top three buttons (including the up arrow) won't do anything on the home screen
- Left and right buttons allow you to cycle through the home screens (you may want to set-up different screens to see different elements)
- The down button initiates a feed cycle. Depending on how you have it set-up, this may temporarily turn off your return, and maybe your skimmer.
- The center button serves as the menu button as well as the enter button. Pushing it once will bring you to the main menu.
Check out the entire Apex line: http://brs.li/neptuneapex
Watch the whole playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBaMLrfToJyz8091y-PoECoUo5QfMGg1S
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