25 Years of Aquarium Control & Monitoring with Neptune Systems
The journey to becoming the most widely trusted aquarium controller for saltwater aquariums started with one aquarist who simply wanted a better solution for his own tank. 25 years later we have the Neptune Systems we know and love today and we couldn't be more excited to share the accomplishments that made this possible.
From the very first hardwired controllable power bar to the revolutionary Trident Water Analyzer, Neptune's history is rich and their name is among the most highly-regarded in our hobby.
Neptune Systems is unique in that they have used technology to empower hobbyists, fish store owners, and even scientists across the globe. Their control systems and innovative aquarium equipment have been a major contributing factor to the advancements in saltwater aquarium husbandry and improved success rates we have experienced throughout the last 25 years. Click on the timeline above to learn more about some of the major contributions Neptune Systems has made to the saltwater and reef aquarium community.
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