Additives & Water Chemistry
A collection of articles and videos to you better understand reef aquarium water chemistry and properly use additives in your saltwater tank.
It's finally here, time for a BRS160 update! Today we show you what's been going on with the BRS160, how it's been running on the Triton Method and share some insight into why we are looking into...Read moreIf you're using Kalkwasser for your tank's alkalinity and calcium needs and were interested in how to implement a trace element program to supplement your reef tank, then stay tuned as we show you...Read moreToday on BRStv, we are back with more BRStv Investigates! In this series, we explore popular reefing theories, products, methods, and what the manuals are missing, with a focus on putting them to the...Read moreIn this BRStv Spotlight we show you how to step up your 2-part dosing game by dosing the Red Sea Trace Colors program alongside your BRS 2-part additives. Today we'll discuss what each component does...Read moreHow do you keep your reef tank water parameters like Alkalinity and Calcium stable in a Ultra Low Maintenance way? Today on BRStv Tank Trials, Ryan shares how the most common methods of maintaining...Read moreToday on BRStv Spotlight we are highlighting our very own BRS 2 Part additives for replenishing depleted Alkalinity, Calcium and Magnesium in your saltwater reef tank. We'll give you tips on choosing...Read moreIn this week's BRStv Investigates: Tank Trials episode, we get a long awaited update to the BRS160 and also discuss the answer to last week's question about the Triton Method being a ULM approach....Read moreToday on BRStv Spotlight, we break down the Zeovit System from Korallen Zucht (KZ) and discuss what it is, options for utilizing it on your tank, how to get it started and steps to keep the system on...Read more
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