

The experienced BRStv team covers everything you need to know about LED lights, T5 fluorescent, LED hybrids, and even metal halide lighting to successfully illuminate your saltwater aquarium or reef tank.
  1. When do we REALLY need to change out T5 bulbs? | BRStv Investigates

    When do we REALLY need to change out T5 bulbs? | BRStv Investigates

    We are finally putting to rest the age old question of when you need to change out your T5 bulbs. Follow along as we share our testing data where we run T5 bulbs for a simulated 2-yrs, taking PAR and...
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  2. Next generation LED reef tank lighting with EcoTech Radion Diffusers - BRStv

    Next generation LED reef tank lighting with EcoTech Radion Diffusers - BRStv

    Adding a diffuser to your Radion XR15 or Radion XR30 not only provides a more evenly blended spectrum that rids your tank of that disco-ball style shimmer but also gives the tank a softer, more...
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  3. Lighting for Ultra Low Maintenance Reef Tanks | BRStv Tank Trials Ep11

    Lighting for Ultra Low Maintenance Reef Tanks | BRStv Tank Trials Ep11

    It’s BRStv Investigates: Tank Trials and today Ryan is back and talking about ULM lighting for our three Ultra Low Maintenance reef tanks. We’ll cover our thoughts on what makes...
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  4. Spotlight on the Radion XR30 PRO LED from Ecotech Marine - BRStv

    Spotlight on the Radion XR30 PRO LED from Ecotech Marine - BRStv

    Today on BRStv Spotlight we are giving you all the info you wanted to know about the EcoTech Marine Radion XR30 PRO LED Light Fixture. In this video we'll help you decide how many to add to your...
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  5. Taking a look at the Kessil AP700 LED Light Panel - BRStv

    Taking a look at the Kessil AP700 LED Light Panel - BRStv

    In this BRStv Spotlight we add to our LED lighting videos with the Kessil AP700 LED Lighting Panel. Follow along as we help you decide the proper fit for your tank, discuss setup and use options for...
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  6. How often do you really need to change T5 bulbs? | BRStv Investigates

    How often do you really need to change T5 bulbs? | BRStv Investigates

    Today on BRStv Investigates, we finally put T5 bulbs to the test and determine whether you need to change them out as frequently as previously thought! In this episode we'll discuss changes to...
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  7. Spotlight on the Radion XR15 Pro LED Light from EcoTech Marine - BRStv

    Spotlight on the Radion XR15 Pro LED Light from EcoTech Marine - BRStv

    Today on BRStv Spotlight, we take a deeper look at the Radion XR15 Pro to light your saltwater reef tank! In this video we'll discuss how to choose the right number of lights for your tank type and...
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  8. Spotlight on Ecotech Radion XR15 Freshwater LEDs for Refugium - BRStv

    Spotlight on Ecotech Radion XR15 Freshwater LEDs for Refugium - BRStv

    In this BRStv Spotlight video, we are looking at how to use the EcoTech Marine Radion XR15 Freshwater Pro to light up the refugium on your saltwater tank. We'll show you what comes with the Radion,...
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