
Filtration & Media

Explore aquarium filtration and filter media with videos and educational articles focused on modern filtration techniques. Everything from biological filter media and filter socks to carbon, GFO, refugiums, media reactors, and so much more.
  1. Are the Theiling Compact Rollermat fittings metric? - #AskBRStv

    Are the Theiling Compact Rollermat fittings metric? - #AskBRStv

    It's an #AskBRStv from Instagram where Ryan was asked how he plumbed the Compact Rollermat into our BRS/WWC Red Sea Reefer 750XXL if the fittings were metric. The short answer, you don't need any...
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  2. Do you let carbon tumble or fill the reactor full? - #AskBRStv

    Do you let carbon tumble or fill the reactor full? - #AskBRStv

    We’re pulling #AskBRStv questions from all over! This one comes to us from our own website Q&A from Jackie who asks whether it’s best to tumble carbon or fill the reactor completely...
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  3. Using BRS Carbon for crystal clear reef tank water - BRStv

    Using BRS Carbon for crystal clear reef tank water - BRStv

    Activated carbon is used in a reef tank for a variety of reasons and in many cases is one of the only ways to remove really difficult contaminants that would otherwise need to be removed via a water...
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  4. Which Chemi-Pure Media Should You Use: Original, Elite, Blue, or Green?

    Which Chemi-Pure Media Should You Use: Original, Elite, Blue, or Green?

    What type of Chemi-Pure Media is right for you and your aquarium? Find out using this handy comparison chart and video!
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  5. An Overview of Korallen-Zucht's Zeovit System - BRStv

    An Overview of Korallen-Zucht's Zeovit System - BRStv

    Today on BRStv Spotlight, we break down the Zeovit System from Korallen Zucht (KZ) and discuss what it is, options for utilizing it on your tank, how to get it started and steps to keep the system on...
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  6. Filtration methods & requirements for a ULM Reef Tank | BRStv Tank Trials EP4

    Filtration methods & requirements for a ULM Reef Tank | BRStv Tank Trials EP4

    Welcome to BRStv Investigates - Tank Trials! Today, Ryan is back going over filtration and what methods and systems are available that would work for a ULM reef tank. There has been many different...
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  7. Update 3: Two years of coral growth and coloration with the ZEOvit System | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160

    Update 3: Two years of coral growth and coloration with the ZEOvit System | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160

    It Is Time For An Update! The BRS160 is now over two years old, and we are back with an update on how the tank has been doing over the past year. When we started the 160-gallon tank, we...
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  8. BRStv Investigates: Is a MarinePure all your reef tank needs for nutrient control?

    BRStv Investigates: Is a MarinePure all your reef tank needs for nutrient control?

    Today on BRStv, we have a brand new episode of our series, BRStv Investigates. In this series, we explore popular reefing theories, products, methods, and what the manuals are missing, with a focus...
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