
Filtration & Media

Explore aquarium filtration and filter media with videos and educational articles focused on modern filtration techniques. Everything from biological filter media and filter socks to carbon, GFO, refugiums, media reactors, and so much more.
  1. Building a DIY recirculating CO2 scrubber with your skimmer - #AskBRStv Live

    Building a DIY recirculating CO2 scrubber with your skimmer - #AskBRStv Live

    Get MORE life from your CO2 Scrubber media? Today Ryan and Randy will show you how to DIY your CO2 Scrubber into recirculation mode!    Missed Ryan and Randy...
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  2. How to raise pH in saltwater tank with a CO2 scrubber - BRStv Reef FAQs

    How to raise pH in saltwater tank with a CO2 scrubber - BRStv Reef FAQs

    For those of you looking for the growth and metabolic health benefits of maintaining a pH of 8.3, scrubbing CO2 is one of the easiest and most reliable ways to achieve that goal. ...
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  3. Reef Tank pH, benefits of raising saltwater aquarium pH - BRStv Investigates

    Reef Tank pH, benefits of raising saltwater aquarium pH - BRStv Investigates

    There is no shortage of research articles about the effects of ocean acidification on coral reefs. Many of them stating that a drop in pH as little as 8.2 to 8.1 are having major impacts on coral...
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  4. Do secondary calcium reactor chambers scrub excess CO2 & increase effluent pH? - BRStv Investigates

    Do secondary calcium reactor chambers scrub excess CO2 & increase effluent pH? - BRStv Investigates

    Every calcium reactor has a primary chamber that recirculates CO2 and melts the calcium reactor media, however, some reactors have a secondary reaction chamber intended to be filled with...
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  5. How to Lower Phosphates in a Reef Tank: Mastering Nutrient Control

    How to Lower Phosphates in a Reef Tank: Mastering Nutrient Control

    Phosphate has always been a hot topic with reef keepers. It’s in our tap water. It’s in fish and invert food.  Phosphate gets the blame for algae problems. Some say it even hurts...
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  6. Mechanical filtration? Protein skimmers, filter socks & reactors - The BRS/WWC System Ep8 - BRStv

    Mechanical filtration? Protein skimmers, filter socks & reactors - The BRS/WWC System Ep8 - BRStv

    How important is mechanical filtration? Today on BRStv, Ryan discusses the benefits of mechanical filtration in a reef tank to help remove organics and particulates before they can pollute the water....
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  7. Harness bio-filtration for a stable, long term reef tank. The BRS/WWC System Ep7 | BRStv

    Harness bio-filtration for a stable, long term reef tank. The BRS/WWC System Ep7 | BRStv

    Do you even need sand for biological filtration? Today Ryan explores a variety of bio-filtration approaches from dry/live rock to sand, as well as how we plan to harness ceramic media for the BRS/WWC...
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  8. Where does the Klir Fleece Filter fit? - #AskBRStv

    Where does the Klir Fleece Filter fit? - #AskBRStv

    Each week we'll pull questions from Facebook, Instagram, Reef2Reef, YouTube and our own website Q&A pages and answer the most interesting ones in a quick #AskBRStv episode. Sharing...
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