
Pumps & Water Flow

From how to choose a powerhead to dialing in that perfect flow rate, everything you need to know about water flow in reef aquariums.
  1. Introducing the COR-20 Return Pump from Neptune Systems

    Introducing the COR-20 Return Pump from Neptune Systems

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  2. Bill Wann: Everything you wanted to know about aquarium plumbing and pumps, but were afraid to ask | MACNA Speakers 2017

    Bill Wann: Everything you wanted to know about aquarium plumbing and pumps, but were afraid to ask | MACNA Speakers 2017

    Bill Wann is known for his self-built 20,000-gallon full reef tank, which is the focal point of this living room. The tank is the largest privately owned tank of its kind in North America, and Wann...
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  3. BRStv Investigates: Can any pump create a Gyre in a reef tank, or is Maxspect still king?

    BRStv Investigates: Can any pump create a Gyre in a reef tank, or is Maxspect still king?

    Today on BRStv, we have a brand new episode of our series, BRStv Investigates. In this series, we explore popular reefing theories, products, methods, and what the manuals are missing, with a focus...
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  4. FAQ #32: Where should I direct my pumps flow - the tank's rock work, or the surface of the water?

    FAQ #32: Where should I direct my pumps flow - the tank's rock work, or the surface of the water?

    Today on BRStv, we have another episode of BRS 52 FAQ where we answer all of your frequently asked reefing questions from our popular 52 Weeks of Reefing series. Today we’re...
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  5. Installing the new, affordable, and controllable AC pumps from Rossmont

    Installing the new, affordable, and controllable AC pumps from Rossmont

    http://brs.li/rossmont Today we're doing a quick product spotlight on the latest line of pumps from Italy – the AC powered Rossmont Movers, and their controller, the Waver. We'll cover what...
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  6. Turbocharge Photosynthesis!  Alkalinity, Light, & Water Motion by Dana Riddle | MACNA 2016

    Turbocharge Photosynthesis! Alkalinity, Light, & Water Motion by Dana Riddle | MACNA 2016

    https://www.bulkreefsupply.com/ Today on BRStv we have another fantastic talk from this year's Marine Aquarium Conference of North America located in San Diego, CA. Dana Riddle is an...
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  7. FAQ #19: How much water flow do I need in my reef aquarium? | 52 FAQ

    FAQ #19: How much water flow do I need in my reef aquarium? | 52 FAQ

    Today on BRStv, we have another episode of BRS 52 FAQ where we answer all of your frequently asked reefing questions from our popular 52 Weeks of Reefing series. This week we are...
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  8. What is the relationship between the Theiling Rollermat and the tank's return flow rate? | 52 FAQ

    What is the relationship between the Theiling Rollermat and the tank's return flow rate? | 52 FAQ

    Today on BRStv, we have another episode of BRS 52 FAQ where we answer all of your frequently asked reefing questions from our popular 52 Weeks of Reefing series. This week we are...
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