
Pumps & Water Flow

From how to choose a powerhead to dialing in that perfect flow rate, everything you need to know about water flow in reef aquariums.
  1. Maxspect Gyre 300 Series: What's new? - #AskBRStv

    Maxspect Gyre 300 Series: What's new? - #AskBRStv

    Wondering what's different with the latest Maxspect Gyre 300 pumps over previous Gyres? Today Randy identifies four distinct improvements and hints at a NEW way to control Gyres and other pumps!...
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  2. Here's Everything You Need to Know About The Generation 2 Vectras From EcoTech Marine!

    Here's Everything You Need to Know About The Generation 2 Vectras From EcoTech Marine!

    The world's smartest centrifugal pump just got tougher and more versatile! Since its launch, the EcoTech Marine Vectra lineup has been evolving. Design and material changes have ensured the...
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  3. How and when to replace FX STP tubing and pump head - #AskBRStv

    How and when to replace FX STP tubing and pump head - #AskBRStv

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  4. The AI Nero 5 - A small pump with a ton of flow. | BRStv Spotlight

    The AI Nero 5 - A small pump with a ton of flow. | BRStv Spotlight

    Need a powerhead that's small in size but high in flow power? AquaIllumination's Nero 5 has got you covered! Today we walk through the key features and quick programming of the Nero 5 pump to help...
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  5. Can I connect my AquaIllumination Nero 5 pumps in an antisync type mode? - #AskBRStv

    Can I connect my AquaIllumination Nero 5 pumps in an antisync type mode? - #AskBRStv

    Have you heard of running your pumps in an opposite flow pattern of each other? Actually, there are benefits to controlling your pumps in an anti-sync type mode where one child pump does the exact...
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  6. Ryan takes reef tank flow questions - #AskBRStv LIVE

    Ryan takes reef tank flow questions - #AskBRStv LIVE

    Have questions about last week's BRS/WWC System video on Flow? Get live answers with Ryan!
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  7. Just how important is flow in our reef tanks?  - The BRS/WWC System Ep10 - BRStv

    Just how important is flow in our reef tanks? - The BRS/WWC System Ep10 - BRStv

    If there is one unifying part of a stable and healthy reef tank, it would have to be the flow of water through both the system's filtration as well as within the display tank itself. Today Ryan...
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  8. What are the flow requirements for VCA Random Flow Nozzle? - #AskBRStv

    What are the flow requirements for VCA Random Flow Nozzle? - #AskBRStv

    Did you know you can harness the flow from your reef tank return pump to improve internal flow inside your reef? Vivid creative makes it possible with their Random Flow Generators. The RFG nozzles...
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