
BRStv Series

A collection of videos and accompanying articles from our popular BRStv and Bulk Reef Supply YouTube channels.
  1. Reliable & Quiet Saltwater Aquarium Life Support! EcoTech Marine Vectra Pumps

    Reliable & Quiet Saltwater Aquarium Life Support! EcoTech Marine Vectra Pumps

    If you're looking for a vital piece of equipment to run smoothly, quickly, efficiently, with the capability to run on a battery backup in the event of a power loss, then the Ecotech Marine Vectra...
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  2. The Perfect Pump for Remote Sumps & Saltwater Mixing Stations? - Iwaki External Pumps

    The Perfect Pump for Remote Sumps & Saltwater Mixing Stations? - Iwaki External Pumps

    If you want to work smarter and not harder, pick up the Iwaki external pump for your reefing needs!
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  3. High Tier & Feature Rich Saltwater Aquarium Filtration! Eshopps Alpha-Fuge Sumps

    High Tier & Feature Rich Saltwater Aquarium Filtration! Eshopps Alpha-Fuge Sumps

    If you're looking for a gray and oranged colored theme, slick, stylish sump with exceptional built-in features, take a look at the Eshopps Alpha-Fuge series sumps. It comes equipped with a spacious...
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  4. New Coral Frags for Your Reef Tank? Keep Them Safe & Happy! AquaMaxx Frag Racks

    New Coral Frags for Your Reef Tank? Keep Them Safe & Happy! AquaMaxx Frag Racks

    If you have a budget to keep, these AquaMaxx Frag Racks are a great addition to the budget reefer, or any reefer for that matter!
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  5. From Feeding Reactors to Aquarium Maintenance! Neptune Systems PMUP V2

    From Feeding Reactors to Aquarium Maintenance! Neptune Systems PMUP V2

    The Neptune Systems PMUP is a multi-purpose utility pump useful for various helpful purposes for our reef tanks!
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  6. Coral Nutrition for Healing & Coloration - Brightwell Aquatics Restōr

    Coral Nutrition for Healing & Coloration - Brightwell Aquatics Restōr

    Brightwell Aquatics Restor targets growth and tissue generation while providing an optimal source of nutrition for your coral.
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  7. Top 10 Saltwater Aquarium Fish For Beginners And Fish To Avoid - Beginner's Guide Ep: 31

    Top 10 Saltwater Aquarium Fish For Beginners And Fish To Avoid - Beginner's Guide Ep: 31

    Here is our list of the Top 10 fish for first-time tank owners and few fish you should most definitely avoid.
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  8. Balling Method for Reef Tanks Made Easy! Aquaforest Component 1+, 2+, 3+ Bundle

    Balling Method for Reef Tanks Made Easy! Aquaforest Component 1+, 2+, 3+ Bundle

    If you're looking for convenient, easy to dose and control solutions with complete ionic balance for your reef tank. Take a glance at the Aquaforest Component 1+, 2+, 3+!
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