
Product Spotlight & Reviews

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  1. BRStv Visits Aquarium Artisans | Reefer Profile

    BRStv Visits Aquarium Artisans | Reefer Profile

    BRStv visited Aquarium Artisans, an aquarium installation and maintenance company in Ohio. Explore some very interesting aquarium projects that they have worked on and hear directly from one of...
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  2. Selecting the Right Sediment Filter | How To Tuesday

    Selecting the Right Sediment Filter | How To Tuesday

    Reducing the volume of suspended particles will improve system performance in a variety of ways. By using a quality sediment filter, suspended particles will be captured before they have a chance to...
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  3. A Mag Cleaner Unlike Any Other! | Product Spotlight

    A Mag Cleaner Unlike Any Other! | Product Spotlight

    Magnet cleaners have been around for a long time but the Flipper is the first one to really bring anything new to the industry. On one side is your typical scrubby pad you can use to...
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  4. Install an Auto Flush Kit on your RO/DI | How To Tuesday

    Install an Auto Flush Kit on your RO/DI | How To Tuesday

    Properly flushing your membrane will maximize system efficiency, improve rejection rate and prolong membrane life. The thing is most of us forget to do it before and after using our system and almost...
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  5. Radion XR15 vs XR30. What's the difference? | Product Spotlight

    Radion XR15 vs XR30. What's the difference? | Product Spotlight

    We hooked Dave's 8 gallon tank up with one of the new EcoTech Radion XR15w's as well as a sample RMS (Radion Mounting System)! We tested the light and RMS out on a variety of different tanks around...
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  6. Extend Lifespan of DI Resin, Reduce CO2 | How To Tuesday

    Extend Lifespan of DI Resin, Reduce CO2 | How To Tuesday

    Reduce the effect of co2, or carbon dioxide, on your DI resin! If you're burning through resin, carbon dioxide may likely be the cause. Luckily, it's really easy to identify if it is indeed the...
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  7. Adding Anemones to our Lobby Tank | EP 4: Clownfish Harem Tank #clownharemtank

    Adding Anemones to our Lobby Tank | EP 4: Clownfish Harem Tank #clownharemtank

    It is anemone time! After starting the tank 3 months ago the fish are growing fast and the dominance hierarchy is starting to form. We added a variety of bubble tip anemones to the tank. We feed...
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  8. Clean Those Pumps! | How-To Tuesday

    Clean Those Pumps! | How-To Tuesday

    Pump maintenance is one of the most overlooked tasks in the typical aquarium. Most reefers don't even think twice about it until one of their pumps stops working. Pumps have to work in a pretty harsh...
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