
Product Spotlight & Reviews

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  1. How to Choose an RO System

    How to Choose an RO System

    Our new RO/DI line comprises of two distinct lines with the Value series and the Universal series. I am going to make this super simple for everyone. Most reefers have no idea what is...
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  2. What's New in Water Treatment: Chloramines & Carbon Block Myths

    What's New in Water Treatment: Chloramines & Carbon Block Myths

    http://brs.li/NewCarbonBlocks When it comes to our tanks, what we're really trying to maintain is high quality, pristine water. That's why RO/DI water has become such a staple in the hobby for...
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  3. Reduce Noise from your Pumps | How To Tuesday

    Reduce Noise from your Pumps | How To Tuesday

    If your tank is in a common living area you've probably wondered how to keep the noise down on your pumps before. There are two types of sound that may come from a pump; operational and...
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  4. Programming your Kessil LED with the Spectral Controller

    Programming your Kessil LED with the Spectral Controller

    This episode of BRStv provides a quick demo on how to control your Kessil controllable LED light using the Kessil Spectral Controller. Kessil is one of the most popular aquarium lighting...
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  5. Set-up and Tune a Calcium Reactor | How To Tuesday

    Set-up and Tune a Calcium Reactor | How To Tuesday

    In this episode of BRStv we show you how to set-up and tune a calcium reactor using the Skimz CM152. Calcium reactors are really popular with advanced reefers because they are capable of adding large...
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  6. MACNA 2013: Apex Fusion

    MACNA 2013: Apex Fusion

    The cool factor continues to go up at MACNA 2013. Neptune has developed Apex Fusion to help eliminate some of the frustration with setting up the system to a network. Apex Fusion brings your Apex...
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  7. Simple, Straight-Forward Aquarium Additives | Product Spotlight

    Simple, Straight-Forward Aquarium Additives | Product Spotlight

    hw Wiegandt's line of aquarium additives is simple and straight-forward which isn't always easy to come by when it comes to additives! Their most popular additives are Tracetip 1 and...
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  8. RO/DI Auto Top-Off Done Safely | How To Tuesday

    RO/DI Auto Top-Off Done Safely | How To Tuesday

    When it comes to topping off your aquarium, there are a variety of ways to automate the process. For instance, it's fairly common to utilize an auto top off system, such as the Tunze Osmolator. You...
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