
Product Spotlight & Reviews

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  1. Attempting to Remove Cyano Bacteria | How To Tuesday

    Attempting to Remove Cyano Bacteria | How To Tuesday

    We're going to attempt to remove cyanobacteria from one of our 16g Nuvo tanks using UltraLife Red Slime Remover. Watch the progress of the tank over a few days to see if it worked as well as a few...
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  2. 6 Month Update & Office Tanks | EP 5: Clownfish Harem Tank #clownharemtank

    6 Month Update & Office Tanks | EP 5: Clownfish Harem Tank #clownharemtank

    Here's a quick update on the clown harem tank followed by some fun shots of how the various office tanks are doing.
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  3. Install a BRS Mini 5" Media Reactor | How To Tuesday

    Install a BRS Mini 5" Media Reactor | How To Tuesday

    There are few main differences between the mini 5" and the larger 10" reactor. First, the mini is designed to either run carbon alone or a mix of GFO and carbon. While it might be possible, we don't...
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  4. Which rock has the most surface area?

    Which rock has the most surface area?

    We recently sent samples of our 4 most poplar rocks (Pukani, Reef Saver, Fiji, and Tonga Branch) in addition to a sample of the MarinePure ceramic bio-filtration media for surface area testing; here...
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  5. Setting up the PM2 Conductivity Module - EP 21: Apex Aquarium Controllers for Neptune Systems

    Setting up the PM2 Conductivity Module - EP 21: Apex Aquarium Controllers for Neptune Systems

    Measuring salinity is useful in a variety of circumstances; protecting the tank against an auto top off failure, seeing salinity at a glance when dosing two part, and even using on your saltwater...
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  6. Why should I use a UV sterilizer?

    Why should I use a UV sterilizer?

    UV Sterilizers: why would someone use one, how they work, common misconceptions, is there a better solution, as well as a few install tips.
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  7. When to change carbon blocks? Mystery solved!

    When to change carbon blocks? Mystery solved!

    Knowing when to change your carbon blocks shouldn't be a mystery! Learn how to identify when your carbon blocks truly need to be changed in this episode of BRStv. Knowing how to test your...
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  8. Why do I need a carbon block?

    Why do I need a carbon block?

    Learn what carbon blocks are for, why you need them, why we created the BRS Universal block and some of the differences.
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