
Product Spotlight & Reviews

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  1. Get the best performance from your GFO and carbon

    Get the best performance from your GFO and carbon

    Media reactors are designed to efficiently pump water through various filtration medias to remove contaminants. While you can use many of these medias in a simple filter bag in the sump, the reactor...
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  2. How to get pristine blue water in your aquarium with carbon

    How to get pristine blue water in your aquarium with carbon

    Have you ever wondered which carbon performs the best, or whether a media reactor really out-performs a media bag? We're going to cover it all in this episode of BRStv.
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  3. What's best for your tank; wet or dry live rock?

    What's best for your tank; wet or dry live rock?

    There are two primary types of aquarium rock; wet and dry. In this video, we'll help you identify which is best for you!
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  4. Remove phosphates from your tank with Granular Ferric Oxide

    Remove phosphates from your tank with Granular Ferric Oxide

    While GFO can remove a variety of impurities from your tank, the main reason most reefers use it is because it's very efficient at removing phosphates.
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  5. Kalkwasser: The Easiest Way to Maintain Ca, Alk & pH

    Kalkwasser: The Easiest Way to Maintain Ca, Alk & pH

    Kalkwasser is likely the easiest and cheapest method of maintaining calcium, alkalinity and pH out there. it has virtually no effect on your salinity, an tons of reefers have had success with it.
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  6. Celebrating One Year! | EP 6: Clownfish Harem Tank

    Celebrating One Year! | EP 6: Clownfish Harem Tank

    It's been one year since we first set-up the clownfish harem tank, and our strategy of heavy feedings, lots of habitat and a large number of clowns has worked really well at dispersing aggression and...
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  7. Magnesium: The magic that holds your reef tank together

    Magnesium: The magic that holds your reef tank together

    Did you know that magnesium is the element that essentially makes reefing possible? Magnesium is used by corals for metabolic function to stay healthy and grow. However, since it's not largely or...
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  8. Why your reef tank absolutely needs calcium!

    Why your reef tank absolutely needs calcium!

    Your corals skeletal structure is primarily composed of calcium carbonate which is formed by pulling calcium and carbonate ions from the water surrounding them. So, replenishing the calcium in your...
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