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  1. Is The Gourmet Defroster Required for Feeding Fish? - BRStv How-To

    Is The Gourmet Defroster Required for Feeding Fish? - BRStv How-To

    The Gourmet Defroster from Innovative Marine is a great way to defrost your frozen food and feed your fish at the same time. Typical feeding rings only hold food that floats where any food that sinks...
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  2. How to send a water sample for Triton ICP-OES testing? | BRStv How-To

    How to send a water sample for Triton ICP-OES testing? | BRStv How-To

    Today on BRStv How-To, Randy is sending in a sample of his saltwater reef aquarium water for ICP-OES laboratory testing/analysis with Triton and Triton Applied Reef Bioscience! Get your...
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  3. Selecting the right 2-part system for your aquarium - BRStv Reef Gear Guide

    Selecting the right 2-part system for your aquarium - BRStv Reef Gear Guide

    There is a big selection of different two part calcium and alkalinity additives and some are actually three and even four part systems although we still refer to them as “2 part...
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  4. Installing a Reverse Osmosis Pressure Gauge - BRStv How-To

    Installing a Reverse Osmosis Pressure Gauge - BRStv How-To

    how-to-install-a-pressure-gauge-on-a-reverse-osmosis-system-brstv-how-to Reverse osmosis relies on pressure to push a liquid through a permeable membrane and adding a pressure gauge to your RO...
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  5. How to install and calibrate Eheim Jager aquarium heaters - BRStv How-To

    How to install and calibrate Eheim Jager aquarium heaters - BRStv How-To

    Eheim Jager heaters are one of the only heaters available for aquariums that have a built-in calibration function, and most heaters are relatively accurate, but we have found that some can be off as...
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  6. Installing a reverse osmosis TDS meter - BRStv How-to

    Installing a reverse osmosis TDS meter - BRStv How-to

    TDS meters are widely used with reverse osmosis deionization system to monitor the quality of water that your system is producing. For RO systems we recommend inline TDS meters since they are very...
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  7. How to lubricate RODI canister O-Rings - BRStv How-To

    How to lubricate RODI canister O-Rings - BRStv How-To

    One of the most common issues we hear is that reverse osmosis canisters become stuck after sitting for 6 months to a year and that issue can be solved by adding a little lubricant to the...
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  8. How To Install a RODI Flush Valve - BRStv How-To

    How To Install a RODI Flush Valve - BRStv How-To

    Flush Valves are great for prolonging the life of your reverse osmosis membrane. They allow water to bypass the flow restrictor and flush your membrane of any possible built up minerals deposits that...
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