Product Spotlight & Reviews
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Today on BRStv Spotlight, we discuss the most popular trace and minor elements from the folks at Korallen-Zucht! In this video Randy shows you which ones we used on the BRS160 as well as the most...Read more
Today, Ryan is taking us through the Somatic line of Sumps, Skimmers, and upgrades. Somatic sumps and skimmers are designed for the reefer on a budget and gives you a modular sump system that can be...Read more
On this BRStv Spotlight video, Randy is talking refugium lights! Kessil refugium LEDs to be precise, the H-series of lights are designed for plant growth and in our experience nothing compares to a...Read more
Today we explore how the Triton ICP/OES tests and the Triton Trace Base Elements can work for your tank, regardless of what reef keeping method you are using! In this BRStv Spotlight, Randy shows you...Read more
Today in this BRStv Spotlight video, Randy takes a deeper look one of the easiest to setup and maybe safest ATO out there, the Neptune Systems ATK or Auto Top Off Kit. Stay tuned as we discuss what...Read more
On this BRStv Spotlight video, Randy shows you how to build, setup and use the Aquahub DIY Auto Top Off Kit. If saving a bit a money and building your own usable reef gear is right up your alley,...Read more
Welcome back, and today Randy is taking an in-depth look at the Neptune Systems Breakout Box module. With the breakout box, you can have your tank perform automated functions when a switch is either...Read more
Today on BRStv Spotlight, we take a look at the Sun Blaze T5 fixtures and how they can be used as an effective and very affordable option to lighting a refugium. Today, Randy shows us how to choose...Read more
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