Product Spotlight & Reviews
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The wait is over because this week BRS names the best powerheads of 2019! Find out who's who among the crowd of pumps and get the perfect solution for internal water flow in your reef tank.Read moreIn this Best of 2019 video Ryan and Randy picked out the top 3 RO/DI systems to make shopping easy and help you pick the right system for your reef tank.Read moreThrough the years we have seen the VorTech pumps evolve into a quieter, smarter, and more efficient option for water flow in your reef tank. Ryan shares the top three reasons our staff and BRS...Read moreRyan and Randy are back at it with another Best of 2019 list and this week the focus is salt mix. We cover not only the best selling salt mixes but also the top performers from our recent BRStv...Read moreRyan offers up some clever advice for using a UV sterilizer on your reef tank and shows us why the BRS Recommended Pentair UV Sterilizers are simply the best option for keeping your water clear, your...Read moreBrightwell Aquatics CoralAmino is our preferred amino acids supplement here at BRS because it is well priced and delivers results. Combined with recommendations from the best coral farmers in the biz...Read moreRyan and Randy pull back the curtain to deliver the best two part additives of 2019. You can expect in depth reviews of our top six brands alongside wise advice from experienced reef aquarium...Read moreIt really is no surprise the Neptune Systems Apex aquarium controller is the preferred aquarium control system here at Bulk Reef Supply. Understanding why reefers love this controller so much is...Read more
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