
Product Spotlight & Reviews

Get the latest information, in-depth product reviews, and general insight about your favorite reef aquarium equipment.
  1. Avast Marine Vibe Zeovit Reactors: Less time shaking. More time enjoying your tank!

    Avast Marine Vibe Zeovit Reactors: Less time shaking. More time enjoying your tank!

    Find out how the Vibe Automatic Zeovit Reactor can help alleviate some of the daily maintenance required with Zeovit!
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  2. Brightwell Aquatics ChaetoGro: It's fertilizer for your chaeto refugium. Simple.

    Brightwell Aquatics ChaetoGro: It's fertilizer for your chaeto refugium. Simple.

    Thomas shines some light on the Brightwell Aquatics ChaetoGro which is a unique additive designed specifically for Chaetomorpha growth and vigor.
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  3. Reef Lighting Mistakes - Our biggest fails lighting saltwater aquariums

    Reef Lighting Mistakes - Our biggest fails lighting saltwater aquariums

    Ryan and Randy show us that reef tank lighting is often made out to be way harder than it has to be and help change the way we look at lighting for good.
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  4. The XP Aqua Sumpless ATO : No sump? No problem! Use this Sumpless Auto Top Off instead

    The XP Aqua Sumpless ATO : No sump? No problem! Use this Sumpless Auto Top Off instead

    If you own a reef tank without a sump, the XP Aqua Sumpless ATO is the perfect and most reliable solution for freshwater replenishment on the market.
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  5. AutoAqua AWC Auto Water Changer and ATO : Stop carrying buckets of water...FOREVER??

    AutoAqua AWC Auto Water Changer and ATO : Stop carrying buckets of water...FOREVER??

    Thomas shines a spotlight on the Auto Aqua AWC - Auto Water Changer and gives us a quick set-up and operation tutorial.
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  6. Can you have a refugium without a sump? CPR Aquatics AquaFuge2 says...YES!

    Can you have a refugium without a sump? CPR Aquatics AquaFuge2 says...YES!

    Thomas spotlights the CPR AquaFuge2 and shows you how this easy to install hang-on refugium can benefit your All-In-One reef tank.
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  7. Can you spot the difference? Bubble King Protein Skimmer Spotlight - Royal Exclusiv

    Can you spot the difference? Bubble King Protein Skimmer Spotlight - Royal Exclusiv

    Find out the differences between the four different Royal Exclusiv protein skimmers we have here at BRS so you can easily choose the right high-performance skimmer for your reef tank.
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  8. These are the pH Mistakes to avoid! Get pH right for your tank and stop doing this.

    These are the pH Mistakes to avoid! Get pH right for your tank and stop doing this.

    Learn why pH is important, how to properly maintain it and get some valuable insight about avoiding some of the most common pH mistakes in this BRStv video.
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