
Product Spotlight & Reviews

Get the latest information, in-depth product reviews, and general insight about your favorite reef aquarium equipment.
  1. BRStv Product Spotlight - Sicce Syncra SDC Return Pump

    The Sicce Syncra SDC return pump has everything! 5yr warranty, temp monitoring, WiFi & Apex control?

    An affordable DC return pump with an impressive 5 YEAR warranty, does such a unicorn exist? It sure does, check out the Sicce Syncra SDC return pump.
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  2. BRStv Product Spotlight - Two Little Fishies Acropower Amino Acids

    SPS color and growth directly from the bottle! Two Little Fishies Acropower Amino Acids

    AcroPower from Two Little Fishies provides essential Amino Acids to help promote healthy, growing skeletal structures as well as vibrant color within your corals.
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  3. BRStv Product Spotlight - Reef Breeders Photon V2+ LEDs

    Reef Breeders Photon V2+ LEDs: Sleek & slim reef lighting that's also slim on the price.

    Get the inside scoop on a high-performing panel style LED light that won't break the bank!
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  4. BRStv Investigates - Reef Brite Lumi Lite LED vs T5

    Will a handful of Reef Brite LED strips outperform T5 bulbs? Wait until you see what we found!

    Find out how the Reef Brite Lumi Lite LED strips measure up. Trust us when we say, the results are going to surprise you.
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  5. BRStv Product Spotlight - Korallen Zucht Amino Acid Concentrate

    The BRS160 uses it. Why not add amino acids to your fish food? Korallen Zucht Amino Acid Concentrate

    Close the nutritional gaps of your fish's diet with Korallen Zucht Amino Acid Concentrate.
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  6. BRStv Product Spotlight - Brine Shrimp Direct Hatchery Dish & BRS Brine Shrimp Eggs

    Hatch your own live saltwater fish food! Brine Shrimp Direct Hatchery Dish & BRS Brine Shrimp Eggs

    Hatching baby brine shrimp at home has never been easier! Check it out as Thomas gives us a full tour of this simple yet highly effective brine shrimp hatchery.
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  7. BRStv Product Spotlight - Reef Octopus Classic 150SSS INT Protein Skimmer

    This protein skimmer saves you $$ and Space! Reef Octopus Classic 150SSS INT Protein Skimmer

    Where value meets performance you have the Reef Octopus 150SSS, find out how this 5 Star skimmer lives up to the reviews in this BRStv Investigates.
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  8. BRStv Product Spotlight - PolypLab Coral Viewer & Scope LED flashlight.

    Stop hiding your corals true colors! PolypLab Coral Viewer & Scope LED Flashlight.

    Check out these awesome gadgets from Polyp Lab that will help you show of your coral and take those Instagram worthy coral photos without an expensive camera!
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