52 Weeks of Reefing
The complete playlist including all 52 episodes from our year long how to setup a reef tank series focused on the famous BRS160 aquarium.
\nWe also cataloged additional update videos in which Ryan keeps us posted on the health of the livestock as well as the equipment performance as time progresses.
It's Week 19 of 52 Weeks of Reefing, and we're two weeks into a 5 episode segment where we are really diving into the different types of aquarium lighting. This week we are covering T5 lighting...Read more
Week 18: Aquarium Lighting: Replicating the sun over the world's reefs | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160
This week we are going to start five weeks of lighting. Reef tank lighting technology has seen some major changes in the last decade. The team here at BRS has been here through all of the lighting...Read moreProtein skimmers are a staple of the reefing hobby and today we are going to talk about what they do, how they work, and if they are required to be successful at reefing. We'll cover advantages and...Read moreDealing with evaporation is a critical component of tank stability and protecting your equipment. Here is our take on the various methods of replenishing freshwater lost to evaporation then a...Read moreWelcome to Week 15 of 52 Weeks of Reefing! This week we are going to talk fish; not just how to select your first fish but how to build an entire "fish plan". We'll cover quarantining options,...Read moreIt's Week 14 of 52 Weeks of Reefing, and this week we are going to talk UV sterilizers. We will discuss what they do and don’t do, setting realistic expectations of how they function, how to...Read moreIt's Week 13 of 52 Weeks of Reefing, and we're talking ammonia, bacteria, and the nitrogen cycle. We will explore the methods of using bacteria to convert this highly toxic ammonia into safer...Read moreWe're a dozen weeks into the BRS160, and we're making a ton of progress! This week were weighing all of our options for sand, and choosing which is best for us. Follow along with us and discover...Read more
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