52 Weeks of Reefing
The complete playlist including all 52 episodes from our year long how to setup a reef tank series focused on the famous BRS160 aquarium.
\nWe also cataloged additional update videos in which Ryan keeps us posted on the health of the livestock as well as the equipment performance as time progresses.
Welcome to Week 27 of 52 Weeks of Reefing! This week we are exploring how we can use algae to our advantage in the reef tank to help combat nitrates and phosphates...with refugiums! Refugiums are...Read moreIt's Week 26, and we've officially hit the halfway mark in the 52 weeks of Reefing series! This week we are going to explore how organic filtration can reduce nutrients like phosphate and nitrate in...Read moreIt's Week 25 of 52 Weeks of Reefing, and this week we are exploring filters socks, pads, and some revolutionary new technology in the Theiling Rollermat. Mechanical filtration is an...Read moreIt's Week 24, and this week we are talking chemical filtration which is the practice of using various medias to remove unwanted elements from the tank like color pigments, odors, phosphate, carbon...Read moreIt's Week 23 of 52 Weeks of Reefing, and we're adding invertebrates with a purpose to the reef! The bulk of these little guys are going to form our tank's clean-up crew which will help to reduce...Read moreIt's Week 22, and today we are diving into the final part of our 5 episode lighting mini-series where we are discovering which light may be best for the BRS 160. Follow along as we explore hybrid...Read moreIt's Week 21 of 52 Weeks of Reefing, and this week we are premiering the highly anticipated LED lighting video. This is the week you have been waiting for: LEDs. We are going to start with the...Read more
Week 20: Metal Halide lighting and the reef tank: A recipe for success | 52 Weeks of Reefing #BRS160
Today’s episode is our second of five where we really explore lighting in the reef tank, in this one we are going to focus on metal halide lighting. We will start with who halide lighting is...Read more
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