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Are you ever stuck in a situation that you are guessing what your parameters should be? Smartphones are everywhere nowadays and aquarium manufacturers are starting to realize the potential for those...
Within the reef aquarium hobby you often hear the terms soft corals, LPS and SPS used to identify different groups of corals. Grouping corals in this fashion is very useful because it not only...
Calcium is an essential building block for wild and captive reefs alike. Calcium combines with carbonates (alkalinity) and other elements in the water to create calcium carbonate. Stony corals...
Responsible reefkeepers know conservation is playing a huge role in the growth and evolution of the aquarium hobby. Yet, those outside the aquarium hobby sometimes fail to recognize how much we, as a...
If you have ever set up, maintained or even researched marine aquaria, I am sure you are aware of live rock and its role in this hobby. Live rock is generally a piece of reef rock (ancient...
Every aquarium hobbyist knows the importance of regular tank maintenance. Unfortunately, for those of us with deeper tanks, it can be difficult to clean those hard-to-reach places. That's where Kent...
Julian's Thing is a new multi-purpose coral feeder and liquid applicator from Two Little Fishies. It includes a syringe, tubing and applicator to feed aquarium corals, anemones, zoanthids, seahorses...
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