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Even though the JBJ 28 advanced LED tank has an amazing LED setup with moonlights, actinics and 14K LED lights, I needed something in between to give me more options to blend in and not to mention...
If you want the highest water quality but are frustrated with other media reactors, meet the all-new MiniMax.
The Innovative MiniMax All-In-One Media Reactor is a novel approach to...
More viewing, more power, more flow! Be the envy of all who see the new panoramic desktop aquarium that boasts 24" of viewing from end to end. The ideal choice for hobbyists with higher bioloads. Two...
AquaIllumination (AI) announced the release of a major revision to their new controller firmware this week. The LED lighting manufacturer says they have "listened to our users feedback and are sure...
While photosynthetic corals get the majority of their energy from the symbiotic relationship with zooxanthelle algae, they can also consume food to help grow and build their skeletons. Feeding corals...
Your troubles are over. No need to drill a hole on your tank or sacrifice a chamber. All you need to get started is the CPR AquaFuge2 Hang-On Refugium. It comes in 3 different sizes to suite...
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