Dry Live Rock

Live rock is the most popular hardscape used for natural biological filtration in saltwater aquariums. Aquarium rock is available in two forms—wet or dry. We stock dry rock as it’s the most eco-friendly option. Our dry rock is either human-made or mined from the ground, meaning that no rock is removed from the ocean. Dry rock has the added advantage of not hosting hitchhiking pests and will not need to be cured like most ocean rock.
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46 Items

  1. Reef Saver Shelf Aquarium Dry Live Rock
    Reef Saver Shelf Aquarium Dry Live Rock
    $6.79 $6.79

  2. MR Coralline Rock (20lb Box)
    MR Coralline Rock (20lb Box)
    $85.80 $85.80

  3. MR Coralline Shelf Rock (20 lbs)
    MR Coralline Shelf Rock (20 lbs)
    $159.80 $159.80

  4. MR Coralline Hybrid Rock (20 lbs)
    MR Coralline Hybrid Rock (20 lbs)
    $109.80 $109.80

  5. Shelf Scape 50 Dry Live Rock Kit (40lbs)
    Shelf Scape 50 Dry Live Rock Kit (40lbs)
    $239.00 $239.00

  6. Small Foundation Reef Saver Dry Live Rock
    Small Foundation Reef Saver Dry Live Rock
    $18.99 $18.99

  7. Medium Foundation Reef Saver Dry Live Rock
    Medium Foundation Reef Saver Dry Live Rock
    $44.10 $44.10

  8. Large Foundation Reef Saver Dry Live Rock
    Large Foundation Reef Saver Dry Live Rock
    $63.99 $63.99

  9. Small MR Coralline Foundation Rock
    Small MR Coralline Foundation Rock
    $23.99 $23.99

  10. Medium MR Coralline Foundation Rock
    Medium MR Coralline Foundation Rock
    $49.50 $49.50

  11. Large MR Coralline Foundation Rock
    Large MR Coralline Foundation Rock
    $69.50 $69.50

  12. Aquascaper's Choice Dry Live Rock (30 lbs)
    Aquascaper's Choice Dry Live Rock (30 lbs)
    $239.70 $239.70

  13. Pink & Purple Live Coralline Algae Kit
    ARC Reef
    Pink & Purple Live Coralline Algae Kit
    $44.00 $44.00

  14. 8oz Purple Helix Coralline Algae
    ARC Reef
    8oz Purple Helix Coralline Algae
    $22.00 $22.00