Brightwell Aquatics additives are produced with the highest quality components while being upfront and straightforward with their purpose. Brightwell has an entire line-up of saltwater aquarium additives that range from simple Calcium and Alkalinity components to bacterial additives like Microbacter7 that is used by world renowned coral vendors. Brightwell uses some of the purest raw material to produce their additives and are suitable for all types of saltwater aquariums from FOWLR to full blown reef tanks.
What Can Brightwell Aquatics Do for Your Reef?
Join Thomas as he dives into Brightwell's lineup of premium aquarium essentials, from top-tier calcium and alkalinity additives to coral amino acids, dips, and salt mix—everything your reef needs to thrive!

Brightwell AquaticsReefBlizzard-LP - Xtreme Color Soft Sinking Pellet - For LPS & AnemonesFrom: $11.69
Brightwell AquaticsReefBlizzard-XC - Xtreme Color Powdered Food - For SPS, Softies & Larval FishFrom: $11.96
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