
100 GPD Auto Flush Flow Kit

$144.49 $169.99

1 x 800 mL/min Auto Flush Flow Restrictor   + $0.00
1 x 8800 PSW Pressure Switch 1/4" Push Connect   + $0.00
1 x Aquatec Power Supply for CDP-8800 Pump   + $0.00

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    Never worry about flushing your RODI systems membrane ever again!

    Membrane flushing is a maintenance task that commonly gets overlooked and forgotten about, but consistent flushing of your reverse osmosis membrane can dramatically improve its life and production rate. The Aquatec Auto Flush Flow Restrictor Kits include everything you need to incorporate automated membrane flushing on almost any RODI system. The system will be flushed when the unit turns on for a few seconds, and then for 15 to 20 seconds per every hour of use.


    Two Kits Available

    • 75 GPD Auto Flush Flow Kit - Compatible with 75 GPD membranes or 150 GPD Water Saver systems. Kit includes a 500ml/min Auto Flush Flow Restrictor.
    • 100 GPD Auto Flush Flow Kit - Compatible with 100 GPD membranes or 200 GPD Water Saver systems. Kit includes an 800ml/min Auto Flush Flow Restrictor.

    Requires working Auto Shut Off Valve to operate.


    Installation Instructions:

    1. Turn off your source water supply. 

    2. Locate and replace the current flow restrictor with the new Auto Flush Flow Restrictor. On all BRS RODI systems and most others, the flow restrictor will be located behind the membrane and will be a long cylindrical shape.

    3. Locate your product water line and place the pressure switch anywhere after the system's auto shut off valve (ASOV), we suggest placing it directly after the ASOV. 

    4. Connect the Pressure Switch Molex connectors into the Power Supply and also the auto flush flow restrictor. 

    5. Turn your source water supply on, and do a quick leak check. Once the leak check is complete, you can plug the Aquatec Power Supply into any wall outlet to energize the system.


    What's Included?

    More Information
    SKU 211707B
    Aquarium Type Saltwater, Freshwater
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    Product Questions

    Can the auto flush flow restrictor share the same power as the aquatec booster pump by using a splitter type plug? I've got the pump and pressure shutoff installed already and was curious if I could find and purchase the restrictor only with a power splitter plug.
    Question by: Ron Foppen on Nov 9, 2022, 10:23 PM
    The flow restrictor can connect to the power supply of the booster pump.
    Answer by: Scott F. (BRS Staff) on Nov 10, 2022, 1:04 PM
    Is the hour of on time continuous or does it track total tile on before flushing? Wondering since my di system isn’t on for a whole hour at any given time

    Question by: Rich on Aug 3, 2022, 6:29 PM
    That is a very good question. The auto flush activates when the system turns on and then every hour after if the unit is still on and making water. It will reset once the unit turns off and back on. It would then start the initial flushing and then every hour after that again.
    Answer by: Rick Pucciarella (BRS Staff) on Aug 4, 2022, 12:11 PM